

Joan Kaylor

To quiet my anxiety, I began pulling out my hair. Hair pulling became my addiction until I was 39.  Some people choose drugs, alcohol, weed, food, gambling, shopping and more…. Anything can be an addiction if used to excess and it covers anxiety. Suffice it to say there was no treatment for hair pulling, aka, trichotillomania.

 went to Duquesne University to earn my counseling degree. I found my soul’s purpose. To help the world stop pulling out their hair and picking their skin, dermatillomania or excoriation disorder. 

I stopped pulling out my hair because I found my purpose and self-worth.  Today I help individuals and families in Pennsylvania and all over the world. I help with anxiety, depression, trauma, hair pulling, skin picking, women’s issues. 

Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish. All you have to do is learn how. I teach you the tools and create a safe, confidential space to heal.