EFT Tapping Stories

Mothers with addicted children

July 17, 2020

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Mikki is a powerful and authentic teacher. She walks the walk. She knows the pain of having an adult child with an addiction. This podcast is an honest look at breaking the chains of co dependency with addicted adult children.

Join Mikki's recovery group here: http://www.mikkiproffitt.com/journey/

Mikki Proffitt,CADCI, QMHA
Certified EFT/MR Practitioner & Recovery Coach, has more than 30 years’ experience in the addiction and recovery field, including a long career as a high school drug and alcohol counselor  Today she helps the families of children who struggle with substance abuse, chronic relapse, or emotional challenges become aware (to wake up and emerge from the fog of denial) and begin to identify their well-established, long standing, destructive beliefs, behaviors and patterns within the family system. 

This opens the door for brave, empowered and conscious decision-making that leads to healthy and sustainable change, both individually and collectively, regardless of the choices the addicted child does or does not make.

Her powerful combination of EFT with a deep personal and academic knowledge of trauma and family systems helps moms and family members begin to develop tools and strategies the help to strengthen, heal and take actionable steps.  Her clients describe Mikki as empathic, deeply understanding, and incredibly effective.  Mikki is also a fitness trainer with tens of thousands of classes under her belt and brings her belief in the healing power of physical movement to her work.

Mikki Proffitt
Certified Yoga of 12-Step Recovery
Certified Professional Coach
Certified Fitness Trainer

The Lost Years - Kristina Wandzilak and Constance Curry
Tending Dandelions, honest meditations for mothers with addicted children- - Sandra Swenson

Let's connect.
Facebook: Joan Kaylor, MSEd, LPC
Linked In: Joan Kayloor
Instagram: trichexpert
Twitter: Joan Kaylor


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